Friday, January 20, 2012

Chuck You the Podcast, Episode 7: Bullet Train

Wendy and Magnus talk about Chuck 5.11, Versus the Bullet Train, Chuckfest3, the Chuckfest banner charity auction and more.

WARNING! Adult language plus some horrible singing.

Click below to listen!

Or... RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE this link to download the MP3 version (better quality and you can play it on any device).

Also, check out the article I wrote about the episode by clicking this link.

CHUCKFEST3 Video and Banner Auction!!!!!!!

FIRST, the video! Share it with everyone you know!

Second, the banner auction! We decided to ask Mo Ryan to include it as part of her charity drive and she was happy to oblige, so shoot on over to her eBay auction and bid!

I cannot believe we are auctioning this ONE OF A KIND item away. But we love raising money for charity so...

This banner has survived not one, not two, but THREE Chuckfests. Yes, that's right. This is the ORIGINAL and ONLY Chuckfest banner, signed by THE CAST OF CHUCK at Chuckfest3.

Auction goes up today and will end when it ends. Like I said, this is one of a kind. Not rare. Not limited. There is no other like it.

CHUCK Versus the Bullet Train: 5.11 Discussion

Sarah is Sleepy - Property of WB

CLICK here for the article I wrote about the episode.

Come here all you crazies and enjoy the final seven days of CHUCK which starts with episode 5.11, Chuck Versus the Bullet Train. This is the 89th episode of the series and the final week ever with just one episode (since next week's finale has two).

So, what are your expectations before seeing it?

And if you have seen it, then what did you think?