Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chuck You the Podcast, Episode 9: The Top 10 CHUCK Songs

Vlad and I discuss what we think are the top 10 songs ever used in an episode of CHUCK. I also read what fans on Twitter had to say about it. Lots of music... lots of fun. We also briefly discuss the whole "BUY MORE for CHUCK" movement!

There is adult language but so what? I don't kill anyone. So listen anyway.


Or, RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE the MP3 version that is a far superior quality.

UPDATE: You can also find and subscribe to the podcast via iTunes by CLICKING HERE.

UPDATE 2: Spoilers below (though, you will miss out on all the coolness of listening to the podcast and hearing what the Twitter fans picked).

Magnus’ Top 10
Vlad’s Top 10
1. Bloc Party – “Signs”
2. Bon Iver – “Creature Fear”
3. Bon Iver – “Skinny Love”
4. Nina Simone – “Feeling Good”
5. The National – “Fake Empire”
6. Slow Club – “Christmas TV”
7. Blitzen Trapper – “Furr”
8. Local Natives – “Airplanes”
9. The Naked and Famous – “Young Blood”
10. The Head and the Heart – “Rivers and Roads”
1. Bon Iver – “Skinny Love”
2. Bloc Party  - “Signs”
3. Bon Iver – “Creature Fear”
4. The Shins – “A Comet Appears”
5. Bon Iver – “Blood Bank”
6. Grand Archives – “Sleepdriving”
7. The Kooks – “Love It All”
8. Nina Simone – “Feeling Good”
9. Slow Club – “Christmas TV”
10. Rush – “Tom Sawyer”

Thanks to Twitter user @ChuckMusicWB who compiled a YouTube playlist of the CHUCK moments where the songs were used, here.


  1. This podcast is making me cry. I'm such a girl!

  2. please make the list of the songs here :D

  3. I'm listening and typing and just heard the Africa opening and I'm crying thinking of Chuck and Sarah (the lyrics fit them now even more) and than I think about the finale end and I start crying even more. Darn you Fedak! Darn you.

    But thank you for this pod cast.

    Oh and FEDAK! *shakes fist* Now I'm always sad when I think of CS because of that man. Can't even listen to Africa without feeling sad.

    1. That's the beauty though . Finding the right piece of music for a scene can elevate the emotion to the highest level . Colonel hotel scene if a fan fav . Watch that scene on mute , then with the music . It just heightens the sensation . it makes it ...... perfect .

    2. But the end was meant to be hopeful, the song just made me feel more depressed.

  4. Rivers and Roads totally made that ending even more sadder. The NBC edit made the scene less sad. Funny how a different song and taking out the line "kiss me Chuck" made that ending less sad.

  5. when you started singing feeling good I thought the song had started. you really have a good singing voice magnus.

  6. ahhh man, that gives me back the feeling of heartsickness I had last week paired with the heebie-jeebies :-(

  7. I have a very different list than both of you... I was surprised "Don't Give Up on Us Now", "Don't Look Back in Anger", "In My Sleep", along with some others weren't on there. Very enjoyable podcast nonetheless though. You should do more top 10's like this, like Top 10 episodes, Top 10 flashes... etc.

  8. loved this so much . It was like experiencing the show all over again . I discovered so many great songs and artists through this show . I need a top 25 or 50 . This top 10 just flew by :)

    I'll add one song to the list that was a pretty powerful moment in the show that you guys didn't mention .

    model homes by in flight safety in vs three words ( 3.02 ) Sarah and Chuck in the dojo


    1. Glad you liked it Julie. It was a blast recording it.

  9. your top 10 list magnus is 90/100 similar to mine...

  10. I dont wanna choose! I like all of them!

  11. when are u gonna do your next podcast?

    1. I don't know. It could be in a few days... few weeks... few months? Depends on how inspired I feel.

  12. Even though I only had time for 1/3rd of the podcast before starting work, I am thoroughly enjoying it.

    Brings a smile to my face, in particular, to hear why the songs are special to you. I listen to Chuck music a lot and the music evokes so much.

  13. Do a top 50 :)

    I loved the podcast alot brought many memories (Half way Through)

    //Thomas :)

  14. Loved listening to the podcast, thank you for doing it, brought back a lot of good memories.
    I've always wondered which were your favourites songs and... you surprised me! ;)
    One song that I also love it's "Daddy's Gone" by Glasvegas, probably because of the scene it played on and what it meant.


  15. Glad you are all enjoying the podcast. Keep the comments coming... but more importantly, share the link with your friends. If more people listen, I will be more inclined to do more... and more often.

    1. many of the chuck songs made my BEST list. i would also add keep it coming, daddy's gone, we are young, friday i am in love, the honest truth-typhoon (season 5 episode 1), i am your skins (season 3- chuck writes his spy will), a girl a boy and a graveyard (season 4 sarah unpacks), she brings me the music (sarah tells chuck-while he is sleeping- that she would marry him), winds of change (s4 vs the seduction impossible), dont give up on us now (s3 episode 18 ending), no time for dreams-last days of april (s4 morgan moves out). right round (s3 morgan walks in the buymore wearing a suit +plus the country songs we heard on the episodes sarahs father showed up (ending of the episodes) and all the others you said in the podcast. all these songs made my favourite list... amazinga what you can learn from a show...

  16. I only listened to 1/2 the podcast so far but I am LOVING it. I have all the songs mentioned except the one from the Beefcake (which I will buy later).

    You mentioned that most of your favorite songs came from the earlier seasons but my current favorite Chuck songs come from season 5 (probably because I listened to the others so much). From season 5, I love Half Moon by Blind Pilot (ep 2), Through the Crowd by Hotel Lights (ep 3), White Nights by The Golden Filter (ep. 7), Cruel and Beautiful World by Group Love (ep 13), River and Roads by the Heart and the Head (ep 13)

    I would love another music podcast. Thanks for all your hard work!

  17. Great podcast. Loved the songs you guys chose for your top 10.

    I'm a little dissapointed that Frightened Rabbit(My favorite band from Chuck) did not make the top 10 list or the mentions from twitter (Keep yourself warm, The Twist, My backwards walk, Swim untill you can't see land)
    Also Kettering by The Antlers doesn't get the respect it deserves. Great song and scene.

    1. Those were the songs I was going to suggest, that I felt was missing.

      As displayed by the podcast all the different suggestions Chuck had great music that really enhanced the show. I have discovered lots of great songs and bands thru this show.

  18. Some very cool songs in your lists, but as a big season 3 fan, it doesn't quite do it for me.

    My list (all the songs are from my fav episodes and scenes, EXCEPT vs The Goodbye. Great song though):

    1. The Antlers - Kettering (Other Guy)
    2. Menew - Don't Give Up On Us Now (Subway)
    3. Glasvegas - Daddy's Gone (Dream Job)
    4. The Bravery - I Am Your Skin (Living Dead)
    5. Sam Isaac - Bears (Operation Awesome)
    6. Jeffster - Blaze of Glory (Ring Part 2)
    7. Jeffster/Toto - Africa (Best Friend)
    8. Jeffster - Take On Me (Goodbye)
    9. Spoon - Got Nuffin' (Operation Awesome)
    10.Daniel Zott - Living A Lie (Fake Name)


    1. I see what happened here... you thought this was the Top 10 WORST songs. No, no... that's another podcast. ;)

    2. some of the songs may not be the best, but when u hear them on the show they are just perfect and they fit on the scenes...

    3. it would be fair to say that people like scenes and not songs... anyway i have a proposal for your next podcast... bad montaz scenes and story problems. i mean things the writers did cause they didnt know they would have more seasons, and then later we saw some stupid things

    4. I see what happened here... seems I hurt your feelings, DR? Sorry wasn't my intention. ;)


    5. You can't hurt someone's feelings when they feel superior. :)

    6. magnus do u have a fb page? i mean with your real name and not your avatar?

    7. I am sure if I did, you would have found it already.

    8. i dont think fedak has a fb page, so u dont... lol. anyway is there a way to order the dvds and give the small amount of money you take to wb? no offence but i would like to increase the chances of a chuck movie in the future... and i would like to urge everyone to do that... not that i have a problem with u but its all about Chuck.

    9. The massive $30 I've made so far? Yeah, you can use Google.

    10. i know its not that much and i tell u again i dont have a problem with you but 30 buck is like purchasing another dvd season of the show...

    11. Go to another site and rally them against me for stealing from WB.

    12. i didnt say u were stealing. i said that if we want to have a movie at some point we should gather and give everything to wb...


    14. I have never wanted to have the "murder this person" as a site option more than right now. I find crazy shippers less annoying than this twit who has a problem with me collecting 4% of the sales made through this site.... amazing.

    15. if other retailers don't take their cut.

      Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't WB's wholesale price a constant?


  19. Loved the podcast and will now have a bunch more songs to.add to my collection


  20. Fantastic podcast. I've discovered so many good songs thanks to Chuck. You know they did good when a song plays and I automatically think of the scene.

  21. what was your favourite scene of all the seasons mag?

    1. It's between the end of Lethal Weapon; Chuck telling Captain Awesome that he's a spy in Colonel; and Chuck accidentally getting Casey in trouble in Tic Tac.

  22. I think I just realized how much of my time I have wasted on this show...

    1. One mans waste is another woman's treasure

      You rock Magnus ,


  23. why young blood wasnt higher on your top-10? you said in a podcast last year that you liked the song very much. u even made a podcast with it...

    1. I guess I liked the other songs more. It was on the top 10 list. How do I not love it?

    2. well, apparently one of the few things that the show kept on the same level as on early seasons is its playlist. cause there where moments, especially in season 4, where the show looked like it was cheapest than... well than anything. I mean when you know you have a low budget you should cover the thing by doing a good direction and selection of places and scenes. In masquerade, where chuck was on the horse and when he was swinging on a tree, it was really the worst scenes i have ever seen on tv. that also goes for the episode, where chuck was kidnapped, the one in switzerland

  24. Idea for your next podcast :

    Top 10 Sarah Walker " sexy like a meow meow " moments

  25. Surprised nobody has mentioned Crooked Fingers - Luisa's Bones from Chuck vs. the Dream Job.

  26. One of my favorites that wasn't mentioned is model homes by in flight safety. It's when Chuck and Sarah were Bo fighting in season 3 - Chuck vs the 3 words

  27. Great podcast. Loved hearing both of your Top 10 lists. You guys both covered a lot of my favorites. One, that I didn't hear anywhere was "Squealing Pigs" by Admiral Fallow. It's from the First Bank of Evil episode where Sarah is trying on wedding dresses. That one made my list because it seems like there are so many ways in which it shouldn't work with that scene, but when I saw it actually play out it worked amazingly well.

  28. Just remember, if your favorite song didn't make the list, it's not because we don't like the song, it's because we don't like YOU!

    No, wait. That's not what I meant to say. It's not that we don't like the song, it's because it wasn't in our top 10!

    1. I think you initially had it right.

      I keed, keed. NOT.

  29. hey guys. sign the petition in order to get a season 6!!!! lol i am kidding. why u say you dont like the beach scene? u dont like it cause of the story or is it something else? i heard your previous podcast but i dont really remember the specific reason you didnt like it. and no i dont have time to hear it again. thanks in advance...

    1. I don't have time to explain it again. Thanks in advance...

    2. thanks for remembering why i stopped listening to your podcasts...

    3. You mean "reminding", you half-witted badger-monkey.

    4. Yeah it's clearly Magnus' fault that YOU can't be bothered to check the podcast or his 200 comments about it all over this or the other site. You're a douche.


    5. its magnus problem that he never learnt how to behave and he is blaming people and you re problem, cause you re defending someone you dont?!?! know... congratulations. you are officialy a minion...

    6. You are the idiot crying about him not restating what he's said over and over and he's the one who never learned to behave? Go away drama queen. I'd happily be Magnus' minion if it means thinking you are an annoying dumbass.


    7. "its magnus problem that he never learnt how to behave"

      Whose fault is it you never learned to capitalize, properly punctuate or use correct grammar? Find out and shoot them.

    8. ROTFLMAO!!!!! Good one... anonymous... number two? You can be my minion any time. You too, Steph. :)

      Anonymous #1 is just mad because she got taken off the bottle recently.

    9. You come to his site after listening to his podcast and ask him to explain what you can find if you make the littlest effort and he's the rude one because he uses your own words? That's crazy. Magnus must be doing something right because he has thousands of dedicated followers and knows tons of people. And you are a nobody.

    10. + i cant believe that there are people in 2012 that cant see the difference between A BLOG and A SITE. guests have an excuse, but even when the creator of the BLOG says its a site... oh boy.

    11. "+ i cant believe that there are people in 2012 that cant see the difference between A BLOG and A SITE."

      Everything is a site. You'd know that if you did any actual schooling.

  30. As much as I am enjoying this minionfest... let's get back to enjoying the genius that is me.

  31. Chuck and Sarah's theme by Tim Jones :)

  32. Buildings & Mountains by The Republic Tigers and Lake Michigan by Rogue Wave

  33. Also "Fall Into Place" by Apartment

  34. Ohhh Yes .... Bloc Party - Signs ... EPIC ;)

    1. Ideed one of my favorite scene ever ...

  35. Some people seem to think we selected these songs because of the scenes. Even the tiniest listen to the podcast would reveal otherwise. We selected our top 10 favorite songs, not scenes. The fact that some of our favorite scenes had our favorite songs is fortunate. But I selected two songs from scenes I am not particularly fond of, so...

  36. liked the selection, I confess some of them I took a while to place, for some reason they didn't make such a big mark to me, but Bon Iver, Band Of Horses and Nina Simone, are the classic ones in my opinion now Rivers and Roads is in the list too!! just missed Nico Stai ones!!!

    1. Exactly. The scenes where the Bon Iver, Band of Horses, and Nina Simone songs were not only memorable but they were during important scenes! And good lord Rivers and Roads will forever be one of my favorite songs now. And no song could've captured the emotions and intensity of the moment like One October Sky did. Chuck was honestly just filled with such poignant musical moments.

  37. A Girl, a Boy, and a Graveyard by Jeremy Messersmith will always be special Chuck song for me. Since I saw it performed live with my dad on fathers day.

  38. I don't have twitter account, so I send you a Happy birthday wish, here. so Happy birthday

  39. Happy Birthday Magnus !

    a million years by Alexander from Chuck vs the wedding planner is another of my favorites that I avent seen mentioned yet . Thought I'd throw it a shout out .


    1. You're welcome hun ,

      Now where's my top 10 Captain Awesome moments podcast :)


  40. Enjoyed the Podcast Magnus. Good Song Choices all around, Trust me I know.

  41. Great podcast! Totally enjoyed the entire thing! Can't wait for the next "Top Ten" Chuck podcast.

    Jennifer S

    P.S. Hope you had a Happy Birthday! (Late I know. Sorry!)

    1. We already have our top something podcast planned. Though, I think it is going to be a top 5 each... and for good reason. You will see.

  42. happy belated b-day, DR. :)


  43. Typhoon - The Honest Truth

  44. Magnus & Vlad,
    Excellent podcast, excellent taste in music. Great way to begin life after Chuck. I'd definitely listen to a top 50 and would also like to know what Larry's picks are.

    2 more for me:
    The Eels - Fresh Feeling (ep. 108)
    Broken Bells - The High Road (ep. 318)

    The 5 Frightened Rabbit songs are also excellent.

  45. Woah.
    I am in a diabetic coma after listening to all this slow acoustic shmaltzy shipper saccarine.
    uhm, MR. freaking ROBOTO!?!?!?!
    LUST FOR LIFE!?!?!?!
    I mean, ANYTHING with a BEAT please

    1. Go listen to Justin Bieber if you want poppy beats.

  46. Ahhhh Creature Fear by Bon Iver, a song and a scene that was never matched in the 3 seasons and one episode that followed. Great song, great scene, great moment and so well played.

  47. Based on Sepinwall's last Chuck podcast that moment in the motel room may have been one of the biggest reasons he stuck to the very end. He loved the moment as I suppose did every other fan.

    1. I think there are several things but that moment imprinted something powerful in the minds of a lot of CHUCK viewers. :)

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